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I'm addicted to books. According to Umberto Eco I am building an anti-library, meaning I own way more books than I have read. I love good fiction, literature, theology, Biblical studies, philosophy, children's books, and lots more.

Currently reading

Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God
Danae Yankoski, Francis Chan
The Kingdom New Testament: A Contemporary Translation
N.T. Wright
The Theology of John Wesley: Holy Love and the Shape of Grace
Kenneth J. Collins
Progress: 244/331 pages
House of Leaves
Mark Z. Danielewski
Progress: 50/662 pages
The Hound of the Baskervilles (with Illustrations by Sidney Paget)
Sidney Paget, Arthur Conan Doyle
Progress: 35 %
The Dead Zone
Stephen King
Progress: 52/402 pages
J.C. Ryle
Help! I'm a Small Church Youth Worker: Achieving Big-Time Success in a Non-Mega Ministry
Rich Grassel
Progress: 57/115 pages
How God Became King: The Forgotten Story of the Gospels
N.T. Wright
Progress: 69 %
The Hound of the Baskervilles
Arthur Conan Doyle
November 2013
currently reading
November 2013
reviewed: Notes From The Tilt-A-Whirl: Wide-Eyed Wonder in God's Spoken World
I have to admit that I started off slightly annoyed with this book. Perhaps it was because the stupid US Postal Service torqu...
Notes from the Tilt-A-Whirl: Wide-Eyed Wonder in God's Spoken World - N.D. Wilson
finished reading:
November 2013
reviewed: The Old Curiosity Shop
Review pending discussion. 3 1/2 stars really.
The Old Curiosity Shop - Charles Dickens
finished reading:
October 2013
reviewed: Give Them Christ: Preaching His Incarnation, Crucifixion, Resurrection, Ascension and Return
Excellent resource. For my full review, go to http://www.christian-intellect.blogspot.com/2013/10/what-should-we-preach-give-...
Give Them Christ - Stephen Seamands
finished reading:
October 2013
I started this book several years ago and quit. Not because it wasn't good. No, no, but because I was afraid of book spoilers...
On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft - Stephen King
finished reading:
October 2013
reviewed: The Life of Flavius Josephus
As a Biblical scholar and historian you have to read the primary sources. I have always wanted to engage Josephus for myself ...
The Life of Flavius Josephus - Josephus, William Whiston
finished reading:
September 2013
reviewed: Owl Moon
A simple story of a rite of passage. Between Yolen's descriptions and Schoenherr's illustrations it's easy to feel like you a...
Owl Moon - Jane Yolen
finished reading:
August 2013
reviewed: Purpose Driven Youth Ministry: 9 Essential Foundations for Healthy Growth
When my senior pastor told me to order a copy of this book and read it, I wasn't very hopeful. Actually, I was nearly predisp...
Purpose Driven Youth Ministry: 9 Essential Foundations for Healthy Growth (Youth Specialties) - Doug Fields
finished reading: